This article translates the lyrics of Kenshi Yonezu’s ‘Spinning Globe “地球儀”‘ into English and adds romanized lyrics.
AND explanation of the meaning of the lyrics and vocabulary explanations are included.
This song is a theme song for a animation movie「The Boy and the Heron」(邦題:君たちはどう生きるか)
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Kenshi Yonezu
Spinning Globe
[Verse 1]
The clear sky on the day I was born was
(空 (Sora) Meaning: Sky)
So high, distant, and endless
(高く (Takaku) Meaning: High, tall)
(晴れ渡って (Harewatatte) Meaning: Completely clear)
行っておいでと背中を撫でる 声を聞いたあの日
The day I heard a voice patting me on the back telling me to go ahead
(※Explanation: The song begins with a vivid image of a clear sky, symbolizing a fresh start and the beginning of life. The voice encouraging the speaker to move forward sets a tone of support and guidance. )
[Verse 2]
Faces I met in the seasons
(季節 (Kisetsu) Meaning: Season)
(すれ違い (Surechigai) Meaning: Passing each other by, misunderstanding)
At times hurting one another
Shine by the light, the shadow extends
(光 (Hikari) Meaning: Light)
(影 (Kage) Meaning: Shadow )
As the sky grows further away
風を受け走り出す 瓦礫を越えていく
I catch the wind and start running, overcoming the rubble
この道の行く先に 誰かが待っている
At the end of this road, someone is waiting for me
光さす夢を見る いつの日も
Dream of light shining through, at any day of the week
(※Explanation: The chorus expresses a sense of determination and hope, highlighting the journey towards a brighter future, despite the obstacles in the way.)
Open the door this moment, like revealing hidden secrets
(扉 (Tobira) Meaning: Door)
(秘密 (Himitsu) Meaning: Secret)
Can’t hold myself longing for more, like the spinning globe
[Verse 3]
The person I loved
Has gone to somewhere no one knows
With the usual kind smile as any other day
Still somewhere far away
雨を受け歌い出す 人目も構わず
I take in the rain and start singing, not minding if seen
この道が続くのは 続けと願ったから
This road continues because I wished it would continue
また出会う夢を見る いつまでも
I dream of meeting again, for ever and ever
I grasped the fragment firmly, so the secret remains
I’ll keep longing till the end, like the spinning globe
小さな自分の 正しい願いから始まるもの
It all starts from an innocent wish made long ago
ひとつ寂しさを抱え 僕は道を曲がる
Carrying the loneliness in my heart, I turn the corner
風を受け走り出す 瓦礫を越えていく
I catch the wind and start running, overcoming the rubble
この道の行く先に 誰かが待っている
At the end of this road, someone is waiting for me
光さす夢を見る いつの日も
Dream of light shining through, at any day of the week
Open the door this moment, like revealing hidden secrets
The joy of holding ones hand, the suffering of losing one
Can’t hold myself from picturing, like the spinning globe